Monday, April 20, 2009

Our first canoe trip

Shane got his long awaited for canoe for Hanukkah last year. He's been drooling over them for years. Well, my incredibly generous parents got him one last year. While Shane has taken it out on many cold mornings, Elijah, Baby River Dolphin, and I had not joined him until recently. We really didn't know how Elijah would do because he'd have to wear a life jacket. Last summer he wouldn't even think of putting one on. His issues with different textures have stopped him from so many experiences...but not this time! I was racking my brain trying to figure out a different angle to take when trying to get him to put it on. When Shane went out to load the canoe on the car, I decided that I'd make it silly and try to put on Elijah's life jacket. Well, when I got it out, I said, "Elijah do you know what this is?" He looks at me (like I'm stupid) and he says, "Mom, it's a life Diego wears." DUH Mom...Diego (Dora's cousin) wears a life jacket...silly me for not realizing that! Needless to say, he stuck it right on and we had a fabulous adventure.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I've got one jealous husband sitting next to me! Ryan has wanted a canoe forever. Difference is, Shane actually straps the canoe on the car and takes it places and uses it! Such inspiration for the Flessners!